Sunday, October 3, 2010

Untitled Fluff

So, the comic artist, Tommy Castillo came by the Sequential department and gave us a (de)motivational speech about the comic industry and various things. Then he had us draw and treated us as if he were an editor, meaning he was blunt in the critiques and either told us we sucked or we were good. lol He never told me I was exceptionally bad or good when he spoke to me (he ranted at me more about using a mechanical pencil than my actual drawing skill), which is sort of a good thing...? I dunno, I ended up walking away less motivated instead of pumped. DX

It's funny since one of our professors came to a game developers meeting and talked about Sequential Art in video games, and that motivated the hell out of me. Then, the next day I heard that guy speak...I went from "FUCK YEAH, I'M GONNA DRAW" to "I just wanna take a nap and never wake up again...." Maybe it's because I didn't like Tommy's work as much (I honestly didn't know who he was until I googled him later that day), because he's not the first person to give me a harsh critique or the first person to say the comic industry is tough. I guess when the lectures are coming artists I look up to, I react differently. Anyway, I've been looking through sketchblogs by Christie (or Lychi on DA), Yi Lee, and Skottie Young and they got me out of my funk pretty fast. I fucking love those guys. LOVE, I tell you!!

My school has a couple of comic anthologies they publish every year, and one of the called Shojo Phonebook (it doesn't have that much shojo style stuff in it despite the name). I decided to try an enter this year. It'd be fun to see my comic in a published in something. I always have a story in mind, so now I'm just working out the characters.  Here's some random sketches of the main character, Duke. Me trying to figure out wtf his hair looks like. Thank God for The random notes you see are just various artists I planned to check out, notes about Duke's design, and the random phrase I'm considering putting on his t-shirt.

Finally figured out what sort of hair I wanted for the guy. Then I just started drawing him from different angles and his eye. Because I like his eye. 

 Then I just made a random doodle of Duke and another character in the story, who I'm thinking about naming Chase. He actually has no design yet. D: I came up with that crazy hair on a whim. They came out a little bit older than they actually are in the story, but I liked it so I left it that way.


Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Hey guys! I half-thought about making a sketchblog for myself, then when I decided where I wanted to make a sketchblog, I had to think of where to put it. In the end, I just chose here...and livejournal, because apparently I can't make a decision. So enough chit-chat, this is a sketchblog, here's some sketches and finished drawings to start.

This one was a quick (or should have been quick) drawing of Ciel Phantomhive from Kuroshitsuji for a friend. I didn't think this would take me that long to draw, but in the midst of making this, I started staring at my refs thing I knew I was reading the manga. D: I wasn't even interested in the series til I saw a few pictures of him.

A commission for IndigoOtter on DA. She wanted a cell-shaded pictures of her character is 80s clothing. I think I may have made it more 80s-inspired but, hey, she liked it so I'm happy. 8D

One 10-minute sketch of Roy Mustang's head, because my day is not complete with seeing Roy's face at least once.


Some redesigns of my own character. I was planning to make a web comic last year, but I put the whole thing on hold because I felt like my concept and character designs needed some more work. I'm getting back into the project now, but who's to say when the comic will be up and running. This isn't even one of the main characters, but I felt like working on her design a little more that day. The people look dramatically different because...I'm not entirely sure what I want yet. D:

I have a massive folder of pages from comics, webcomics, and manga, and I went through them the other day and saw some pages from the Alive: The Final Evolution. It got me excited about the series again and I felt the sudden urge to start drawing on of my fav characters, D2. 8D Yes...yes, that's his name.

This is a sketch of John from Andrew Hussie's webcomic (if you can call it that), Homestuck. I. fucking. love. Homestuck. LOVE, I tell you!!!! He's about 13 in the story, I made him look 25, completely on purpose, though.*coughs*

And last but not least, this. I don't know what the fuck this is. D: I felt the sudden need to draw something the other day so I stopped everything, opened up Sai, and...this came out. It's not the greatest of sketches, but I enjoy it enough to post here. :D

And that's all the randomness for today! <3